(856) 339-5099 Routing Number: 231288808 Fraud Awareness

A little bit about us

The PSEG Nuclear Employees Federal Credit Union is an independent financial institution owned by and operated for its members. Membership is open to all PSEG Nuclear employees (including their spouses and children) located at Artificial Island. Please call 856-339-5099 for more information.

Member Account Management

Please use your account at least once every six months in order to avoid a dormant account charge. Also, remember to notify the PSEG NEFCU whenever you change your address and/or phone number.

Our Team

Member Service Representatives
Jody Mortarulo
Nandi Plummer
Angela Falconiero
Board of Directors
Monica Bazemore
Wendy Cronrath
Lisa Hill
Pamela Earnest
Emily Bauer
Supervisory Committee
Nate Tillmes
Jason Rosenberry
Christen Franklin
Sara Bourquin
Rachel Smith